Tuesday 8 May 2012


Friday night at 11 o'clock I waited at the airport for Emily to arrive! Since the buses don't run all night I had to go a little early but I passed the time watching criminal minds, watching cops ride around on segways and pacing in the airport. Finally she landed and we headed home. Unfortunately just giving then taxi driver my addresses wasn't enough to get home, he had no idea where I lived. Fortunately Ali woke up and talked to him so we could get home.
Welcome to Turkey Em!
Saturday we walked around the city center and went to try fish bread again..this time not so good; this fish bread came complete with a fin and bones. After ditching our sandwich we headed to the Spice Bazaar. Since we were still hungry we found our way towards the Turkish delights. After trying a few samples our new friend sold us some and we talked him into throwing in some free honey covered nuts. Before leaving he informed us that if we came back with friends he would give us commission or free stuff. Not sure why people always want to offer us jobs but we'll take it.
We didn't like our fish bread..
On our way home after a long day of walking 
Saturday night was an adventure all in itself. We didn't get back home until 9 and were debating just staying in but since it would be Em's only night out in Istanbul we decided to go out and man was it worth it. We were bartenders, djs, got free drinks, fries and muscles, almost stole the cutest puppies and ended up getting home at 7 the next morning. 
Sure we'll be your bartenders 
Sunday was a lazy day and when dinner rolled around we went to the mall for dinner. At dinner we managed to get free soup and a free waffle covered in Turkish ice cream, fruit and chocolate. Yum! Monday we got up early to get to the city center to have lots of time for touring. It was Children's Day so there were an extra amount of Turkish flags and pictures of Ataturk's face.  Our first stop was the Blue Mosque and then Hagia Sophia. We stopped for a lunch break on a roof top terrace that overlooked the city that had delicious food. 
Celebrating Children's Day 
Infront of the Blue Mosque 
Lunch on a terrace overlooking the city 
After resting and recharging at lunch we headed to the Basilica Cistern underneath the Hagia Sophia. Once you walk down the stairs you feel the rush of cold air and the smell of water. The Cistern stored water for the city so it could have a water supply if it's aqueduct system wasn't working or the city was under attack. Pilers line the cistern illuminated by glowing orange lights and the soft chanting sounds in the background create a peaceful atmosphere. Walking along the path you can find a wishing well and statues of Medusa's head. 
Inside the Cistern 
Making a wish in the well  
Then it was time for the Grand Bazaar! We walked around the maze of stores in search of lights, luggage, jewelry and rugs. We successfully bargained our lights and rugs! After a long day of tour and shopping we headed back home on the crowed tramline with no personal space at all. It hasn't felt so nice to finally just sit once we got home. 
On Em's last day in Istanbul our plan was to lay on a beach. Our first attempt was to the Black Sea..which ended in failure so plan B was Princes' Island. After a two hours of buses and subways we then found our way to the ferry boat that would take us to Princes' Island. We caught up on the hour and a half boat ride to one of the islands. We got off and enjoyed walking about, relaxing by the water and having a bite to eat before heading home. 
Really excited to be on Princes' Island finally!
Watching the sunset on the boat ride home 
Thursday morning we got up early and heading to the airport to drop off Em and Barrie and I headed to Greece for a long weekend!! I was so happy Em got to come and visit for a week :) 

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