Tuesday 24 April 2012

Happy Easter

After getting back from Cappadocia it was back to the real world of school...midterms. Midterms were run a little bit different than back at home. An entire week was devoted to just taking tests so no classes were held. Some would think we've learned Turkish already since they give directions for the tests in Turkish. Another strange thing was tests were also held on the weekends. I was lucky enough to have my midterm on Easter moved so I had the day off. Since Easter isn't celebrated in Turkey my friends and I planned our own celebration along with her birthday. We enjoyed a Lithuanian Easter celebration complete with delicious homemade cake, pasta salad, deviled eggs and dyed Easter eggs. Since we got lucky with beautiful weather so we picnicked outside. In Lithuania, after dying the Easter eggs they play at game to see who picked the strongest egg. You have two chances before you're out. I managed to pick the strongest egg which will bring me happiness for the next year. Finger crossed. The weather has finally gotten nice and I think the warm weather is here to stay!
Happy Birthday Ruta!
We've been making an effort to spend more time outside and doing all the things Istanbul has to offer. Barrie, Julia and I spend days just walking around the city. First stop was Istanbul Modern, which is a modern art museum. I found out I'm not one for modern art but it was cool to see and it had a great view of the Bosporus. Then we walked across the Galata Bridge, got some fish bread and walked around the Spice Bazaar. Days out like this lead to long days and not getting home till around 10. Travel here just takes forever. It takes on average around 2 to 2 and half hours to get into the city center and then same time to get home. Although it does take quite awhile it's always worth getting out of the house.
Galata Bridge
Where the fresh fish breads are cooked
One Sunday afternoon Martina and I went looking for a famous park in Florya. After a little bit of walking we found it! The grounds keepers were still getting it set up for the summer by planting flowers and trees but it was still nice. Little daisies covered the ground and the tuples had already started blooming. Then we walked towards to beach. It wasn't opened yet but there was a lifeguard tower so we're looking forward to going there when it's nice. We decided to talk and walk along the water to see what else we could find around here. We just happened to stumble upon another beautiful park filled with families and even a wedding party. The park was covered in tuples and other flowers. Inside of the park was a mini roadway for kids complete with stoplights.
Martina and I 
Practice for Turkish highways 
The third annual Fatih World Cup just started this month. I've come to realize it's a pretty big deal. After my class was cancelled I wandered into the opening ceremony. Inside the huge red curtains was blasting music, a stage, professional lights and a dj. The whole thing was packed! As it began there was cheering as men in suits walked down the center aisle. There were speakers and apparently Turkey's most famous soccer player was there to speak. There wasn't a single word spoken in English so I just clapped along with everyone else. Once the speakers were finished the lights started flashing and guys playing the drums started to drop down from the ceiling. Once they were on the ground the continued to play as the teams from each country ran in. I never knew this would be such a big deal. The cup last until the first week of May. All the Erasmus students are put on to the German team. Go Germany!
Glad I snapped a picture of him
Totally normal 
Zsolt actually scored!
Another day we spent a day walking between the two Bosporus bridges that lead to the Asian side and visiting a Rumeli Castle. The castle is sent in the middle of the city but once you get inside you fell like there's nothing around you. It's peaceful and quite, but be careful not to fall off of the stairs. You're allowed to climb the walls of the castle but the stairs are steep and don't' have railings. We figured it out and we ended up walking 6 miles that day. To reward ourselves we enjoyed waffles filled with fruit and lots of chocolate by the water. Then it was off to pick up Emily from the airport so she could spend a week in Istanbul with me!
Most peaceful place in Istanbul 
Super safe castle  

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