Tuesday 27 March 2012

I can't believe it's already been two months

 I've started missing foods from back home so Barrie and I had the brilliant idea to make some homemade cookies. Armed with only a recipe, shot glass, some mathematical equations and the ingredients Barrie and I try to tackle this challenge. With a little a improvising, surprisingly the turned out quite good and seem to be a hit with our friends. Barrie and I finally got our room all put together so it's starting to feel more and more like our place.
Our mathematical skills 
My side 
Barrie's side 
While I was here we got to celebrate our friend Matthias's birthday! We went to the girl's apartment in Avcilar to start the celebration with a couple of cakes and then we went to Taksim to celebrate. Our hourish journey there never had a dull moment! Who knew public transportation could be so much fun. Human tunnel anyone? We didn't end up getting home until 7 the next morning but it was definitely worth it! 
The birthday cakes. We added sprinkles for an American touch 
The group :) 
Look at the smile on that birthday boy!
One Tuesday afternoon Julia, Fabian, Dylan and Teyfik decided to head towards the Asian side of Istanbul to the Sapphire Tower, the tallest in Turkey. It offered great views of the city, we were even able to see part of the Black Sea! After freezing outside for awhile we warmed up inside for a 5D (didn't know there was such a thing) tour of Istanbul. It was complete with misting water, fake fish and air. Not going to lie it was pretty sweet. After we had dinner at a Turkish restaurant which was delicious. 
Julia and I 
Da boys 
852 Feet off the ground
Our super sweet glasses for our virtual tour 
On the weekend Ali planned a trip to Miniaturk, which has miniature models of the different landmarks and sights to see. Ever model contained all the intricate details that are found on the real things. I definitely now know all the places that I want to see in Turkey before I leave. After walking through Miniaturk we went next door to warm up and found a go-kart track! We had so much fun we ended up going on it twice. Although the second time they weren't so entertained when we started smashing into each other.

Barrie, Lore and I 
Our super cute hairnets 
The weather finally started to warm up so Julia and I decided to explore around our apartment, so we walked to the Marmara Sea. It was a long and steep walk down but it was worth it when we got there. The beach is filled with small shops and restaurants, we even found a place where you can swim when it gets warmer. We walked to beach and then warmed up by having some tea next to the beach. When it started to get dark we took a mini bus home although I wasn't sure we were going to make it home by the way he was driving. Minibus drivers are nuts!
My new favorite hangout  
Can't wait to take these out!
The next day I got ready to head to Amsterdam to meet up with Drea and Em!! More posts coming.

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