Tuesday 27 March 2012

Reunited in the Red Light District

Since Drea, Em and I have decided to study abroad we always joked about meeting up in Amsterdam for Spring Break...well we made it happen! We threw our own spring break weekend over St. Patty's Day. Emily came on a 12 hour train ride, Drea spent 10 hours in airports and flying and I spent 6 but we made it there finally! Drea and I met up in the airport and headed to our hostel where we waited for Em and Jared to get there. Finally at 10:30 they got there! We spent our first night catching up, hit the club recommend by our favorite receptionist and ended the night at the hot dog stand of course!
The club 
How can you go wrong with a hot dog that looks like that!
Our second day we spent is exploring the city and dodging bikes. I've never seen so may bikes in my life! Our first stop was to find lunch Mexican of course was our first option but unfortunately it didn't open until 5 so we had to settle for some hamburgers and fish. No meal is complete without dessert so we stopped at the Ben and Jerry's shop for a waffle and ice cream. Delicious! After eating until we were content we headed towards our first stop Anne Frank's house. On the way we got to walk along all the canals and take in the scenery. Inside Anne's house we got to see where her father worked and how it led up to the Secret Annex where the Franks, the Van Pels and Fritz Pfeffer stayed in 500 square feet for 2 years and a month before they were discovered. Finally being able to see something that I've learned about since I was a child was remarkable. The Annex was set up just like when they lived there but without furniture. All the windows were blacked out just as they had to live. They were even able to preserve a penciled in growth chart and pictures Anne had cut out of magazines and posted on the walls. My favorite thing was the bookshelf that used to hid the entrance to the Annex. After leaving Anne Frank's house we experience some Amsterdam shopping before getting ready for our bar crawl. I because the typical tourist and got everything Amsterdamy. We got to meet some cool people and even some from the United States!
The canals  
The bookshelf hiding the entrance to the Annex 
We HAD to sign the visitors book 
All our my nice purchases :)
At the bar crawl! 
On St. Patrick's Day we dressed in our green attire and headed out! We hit up the IAmsterdam sign for a little photoshoot and to be reminded by every person walking by us that we were all wearing green pants. As if that's not normal on St. Patrick's day! We made our way to the Bulldog a well know coffee shop were we got chocolate space cakes and chocolate milkshakes! We walked around some more got souvenirs and made our way to a long awaited Mexican dinner! Unfortunately our trip had to end sometime. We all said goodbye and headed back to our countries but I loved being able to catch up with my friends! 
Our St. Patty's day attire 
The Bulldog Coffee Shop 
Emily comes the 20th of April to visit me and I just booked a weekend trip to Athens for the 26th of April!! I could definitely get used to this! 

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