Sunday 26 February 2012

Home Sweet Home

Finally arrived in Istanbul on the 6th of February after staying the night in a hotel so I could make it to my flight that ended up being cancelled. Just my luck! But they got me on a flight later that night and I made it in at midnight. Asila and Seda came to the airport to pick me up and I was fortunate to be able to stay with Asila and her roommate Zohre until I found an apartment. I made really good friends with the neighbors after not being able to unlock doors in Turkey for some reason. Madena always feed me delicious food and her son is adorable. You don't need to know Turkish to hangout with a 2 year old.  After walking around and listening to a lot of Turkish for three days Barrie, Julia, Ali and I found our apartment. It was a cold first couple of nights without heat but luckily we have an awesome landlord who gave us his heater. We all bonded for a few days in the same room until we got heat..quite the experience.
Our fist dinner at the apartment 
Definitely the best place to be when the heat isn't working 
Our Valentine's day exchange :) 
The first week of classes we didn't have to attend because we had orientation. The welcome team arranged a few trips for us to get acclimated with the city. Our first trip was the Takim which is a very touristic place located near the city center. We saw an old catholic church and walked around the city. While walking around we noticed a lot of police and we soon learned after leaving that on February fifteen years ago Abdullah Ocalan, the leader of a rebel group called the PKK was put into jail. They were just their for security purposes. I've never seen so many policemen with large guns, gas masks, shields brought in bus loads in one place! 

Friday night we went to Takim and meet up with people at a hookah bar which led to taking a short tour of the city. We ended up at our favorite bar and then a Mexican Shot Bar...Sombrero included.
Found our way back to our favorite bar 
Patty's gloves in Takim...Always handy 
Saturday we met up with everyone to visit the historical part of Istanbul. Our first stop on the agenda was Hugia Sophia which was once the focal point of the Eastern Orthodox Church but after the the fall of the Byzantine Empire if was converted into a Mosque.

Hagia Sophia 
Inside the Hagia Sophia 
Next we went to the Blue Mosque. Typically Mosques have 1 to 4 minarets but the Blue Mosque has six. During construction Sultan Ahmed wanted the minarets to be built out of gold (altin) but the designer thought he said six (alit).  Finally we ended at the Topaka Palace. Being outside all day made it a little tough to enjoy but I'm planning on visiting again when it's warmer outside.

Inside the Blue Mosque  
The view from Topaka Palace 
On Tuesday the 22nd Barrie and I braved our first hostel is Takim..It was definitely an adventure to say the least. We went out with Bilal to a Irish Pub and to our favorite bar that we found our first night. On Wednesday we finally made our way to the Grand Bazaar and Spice Market! At night we met up with the rest of the Erasmus students and went to the Erasmus party at clubs around Takim which was a lot of fun! 
Grand Bazaar 

Spice Market 
Erasmus :)
Saturday night Julia and I went down to meet people in Avcilar. We went to a hookah bar complete with live Turkish music. We all gained some valuable techniques for communicating without knowing any Turkish (it involves a lot of hand gestures that's for sure). Thanks to Lore, Martina and Jana we were able to stay at their house instead of taking the bus home at midnight :)
Hookah Bar 
I can't believe I've already been here three weeks! I can't wait to see what else will happen. That's all for now!

Saturday 25 February 2012

First Stop visiting Em in France!

I've finally had time to sit down and create my blog. So for the past month I've been traveling around the world. I spent two weeks visiting Emily in Rennes, France. We had to much fun! We spent the weekend in Rennes exploring the city, experiencing my first open bar unfortunately we weren't persuasive enough to get the bus driver to take just us home.  
These macaroons were definitely worth walking in the rain for

At a bar in Saint Anne
The first place we went to outside of the city was to Nantes. We went with two other guys we met that happened to go to UNI (ironic). We went around the city to the castle and museum. 
Em and I before heading to the castle  
Since we couldn't see the machine elephant we
found this one running around with Asics 
Unfortunately the machines which the city is know for were under construction so we  couldn't see them. Instead we spent the rest of the afternoon at an Irish pub hanging out with the Canadian working. 
What better to get at an Irish pub than some Irish coffees 
On Saturday we got to go to Mont Saint Michel which is an old abby on an island..well some of the time. When it is high tide it is surrounded by water but at low tide it is easily accessible. The hike up to the abby is steep and long but along the way there are shops and restaurants for you to take a break in. The view from the top is breathtaking. You can see water and islands for miles. 

Mont Saint Michel 

The winding street up to the top 

The view from the top! 
Before leaving I had to spend another night out with all the wonderful people I met in Rennes. We all went to a flat and the road a bus to Saint Anne where we ended up getting bottle service, Kabobs and having so much fun! I had so much fun in France and everyone I met there is more than welcome at my apartment :) 
My favorite mexican Ceci!!